Thomas Klikauer

Thomas Klikauer is the author of German Conspiracy Fantasies.

The Hidden Script of Capitalism

Right-Wing Myths: From America First to The Lost Cause

Corporate PR & Global Warming – the Big Con

The High Cost of Cheap Email

The Global Greenwashing Heist

AI and the Christmas Turkey

Bob & Alice’s Cryptic AI Talk

How Intelligent is Artificial Intelligence?

AI and Human Autonomy

AI Morality 2.0

Behind the Wall of East-Germany

The Morality of Artificial Intelligence

ChatGPT Goes to Germany

Algorithmic Dictatorship

China Through German Eyes

Five Corporate Strategies to Manipulate Science

McKinsey’s Addiction Corporations

Lachie Murdoch’s Media Kingdom

The Curse of the Algorithm

The Reinsurance of Global Warming

Brexit Bites Back

COP27 and the 10 Rules of Corporate Greenwashing

Digital Astroturfing as Corporate Propaganda

The Post-Nazi Antisemitic Killing That (Un-)Shaped Germany

Disastro Italiano: Neo-Fascism Returns

BMW’s Nazi Billions

Ukraine’s Azov Battalion: Neo-Nazis or Russian Propaganda?

Political Racism in Germany

Germany’s Super-Rich

Scapegoating as Propaganda

Why Labor Won in Australia

War Propaganda, Pseudo-Events and the Global Village Idiot

Australia’s Lockdown Troubles 

Covid-19 Propaganda in Australia

The Origins of Nazi Violence

Saxony’s New Nazis

Profits über Alles – MBAs in Germany

Don’t be Out-Zucked by Facebook

Neo-Nazis and Antisemitism in Germany

Corona and the Rise of the German Police State

COVID-19 in Germany: Explaining a Low Death Rate

COVID-19 in Germany: Explaining a Low Death Rate

Inside Right Wing Extremism: an Undercover Cyber-Agent Report

Cambridge Analytica: a Salesgirl’s Report

Climate Manipulation and Murdoch’s PR Machine

The Hottest Day on Earth: the Politics of Australia’s Bushfires

Australian Bushfires Coming Near You

Propaganda and Politics in the USA, UK and Australia

East German Neo-Nazis Celebrate After Big Election Win