Sudip Bhattacharya

Sudip Bhattacharya serves as a co-chair of the Political Education Committee at Central Jersey DSA and is a writer based in New Jersey, having been published in Current Affairs, Cosmonaut, New Politics, Reappropriate, and The Aerogram, among other outlets. Prior to pursuing a PhD in Political Science at Rutgers University, he had worked full-time as a reporter across the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast.

Why UPS Workers Were Ready to Strike

The Usefulness of the “POC” Identity and its Limits

Beyond Crisis: The Possibilities and Growing Challenges in Building a Left Asian American Politics

The U.S. Left and Empire

Striving for Solidarity

The Black Left Tradition: Its Enduring Lessons and Insights

The State, Friend and Foe

Colin Powell and The Limited Dream of Progress

The US Empire: Coercion and Consent

Private Enterprise is the Issue, Not Big Government

The War on Terror, Twenty Years and Counting

A Return to Normalcy?

The Story is US Imperialism

Capitalism and the Reactionary Power of White Identity Politics