Shamus Cooke

Shamus Cooke is a member of the Portland branch of Democratic Socialists of America. He can be reached at

Trump’s Victory Exposed the Labor Movement’s Political Crisis

Top Ten Ways to Soften a Genocide

The US Establishment has a Palestinian Problem 

Will Biden Accept a Leftist President of Colombia?

Biden vs Cuba After Havana Syndrome

The Climate Movement’s Last Stand?

The Left’s Curious Silence About the Medicare For All Demonstrations

Latin America on the Cusp of Revolution

The PRO Act: Labor’s Catalyst or Political Stunt?

Medicare For All Reaches the Crossroads

DSA’s Moment of Truth

The Politics of Portland’s Protests

The Capitalist Limits of Police Reform

Bail Out the States Not the Banks

Bernie and Iran

What Bolivia Needs From Bernie

Oregon’s Republican ‘Walkout’ Was a Serious Defeat For the Left

Will A Green New Deal Save the Climate, or Save Capitalism?

Bernie and the Dems Flunk Trump’s Test On Venezuela’s Coup

Fighting Capitalism With Revolutionary Strategy

Oregon’s Poor People’s Campaign and DSA Partner Against State Democrats

Portland’s Socialists Protest New Navy Ship, U.S.S Portland, as Democrats Bestow it Honors

Will the Supreme Court Break or Remake the Labor Movement?

History Blinded by Anti Socialism: Ken Burns’ Vietnam

Police Unions vs. Black Lives

Eulogy for the Columbia River Gorge

Protest Alone Won’t Stop Fascism

Trump Versus the Venezuelan Revolution

Why Can’t the U.S. Left Get Venezuela Right?

Lessons From Portland’s Clashes With Fascists

Can Trump Salvage His Presidency in Syria’s War?

The Trump “Resistance” is Slipping Through Our Fingers

Will the “Alt-Right” Hijack the Antiwar Movement?

Inauguration Day and Beyond

Stopping Hillary’s Coming War on Syria

Can the Left Survive a Trump Presidency?

The Organized Left and the Death of “Pragmatic” Politics

Have Unions Cheated Death With Scalia Gone?

Can the Establishment Fix Its Bernie Sanders Problem?

The Labor Movement’s Pearl Harbor Moment

It’s Not Too Late For Unions to Win the Friedrichs Case

Does Bernie Sanders’ Imperialism Matter?

Why Obama’s “Safe Zone” in Syria Will Inflame the War Zone

Unions Must Act Now to Survive Supreme Court Deathblow

Behind the Media’s Assault on Seymour Hersh

Syrian War Set to Re-Explode

A Paper Peace and Proxy War With Iran

How a $15 Minimum Wage Helps All Workers

Fight “Right to Work” in Oregon

Who’s Scarier: Scott Walker or ‘Jihadi John’?