Joanne Mariner

JOANNE MARINER is a human rights lawyer living in New York and Paris.

Paul Ryan and Human Rights

Assassination and the Constitution

Lost Liberty in the Age of CounterTerrorism

One Thousand Years of Solitude

Ending Prison Rape

Trial of the Century?

The Hybrid Rules of Drone Warfare

Chipping Away at the NDAA

Repealing NDAA

The NDAA and Indefinite Detention

The Road to the NDAA

The National Defense Authorization Act Explained

The Gap Between Human Rights Scholars and Human Rights Professionals

An Endless War on Terror?

After Qaddafi

The Resurgence of Military Trials

When Qaddafi Was Our Friend

The Year in Counter-Terrorism

Civil Society and Counter-Terrorism

The Banalization of Torture

A Glimpse into the Silicon Heart of the CIA’s Drone Program

When Machines Kill

Targeted Killings Go to Court

Forced Returns From Guantanamo

The Worst Supreme Court Decision of the Term

Droning On and On

The Legality of Drone Warfare

Fairness in Sanctions?

The Trial of Aafia Siddiqui

Terror Suspects and U.S. Courts

A First Look at the Military Commisions Act

Tortured Language

What the Inspector General Found

Letting Cheney Off the Hook

CIA Apples

Obama’s New Euphemism

Military Commissions, Round Three

Torture Evidence and Terror Blacklists

The Global Impact of the War on Terror: From Egypt to Jordan

U.S. Human Rights Abuses in the War on Terror

Obama’s War on Terror

Benchmarking Obama

How to Close Guantánamo

The Uighurs Come to Washington

Passport Fraud and Torture

The Horrendous Case of Aafia Siddiqui

A UK Window on CIA Abuses

The Military Commission Trials, So Far

Debating Human Rights and Counter-Terrorism in Britain

What Boumediene Means