Fred Gardner

Fred Gardner is the managing editor of O’Shaughnessy’s. He can be reached at

The Ballad of Patty Hearst and Bill Walton

Jane Fonda’s Victim Act

Another Side of DiFi

Well, Well, Well

Freedom’s Just Another Word for Something Else to Sell

Ellsberg’s Real Role

Henry Kissinger, the Shrewd Striving Flunky

Barbara Lee Runnng for Feinstein’s Senate Seat

Welcome Home, Brittney!

The Cult Leaders’ Nemesis

Highway 66, Revisited

Whitey’s on the Moon

Songs of Expedience

The Journo-Pushers of Prozac

The Prankster Stops Laughing

Watergate’s Golden Anniversary

In the Beginning Was the Weed

The Situation in Haiti, 1995: an Interview with Paul Farmer, MD  

Sorking the Ricardos: the Real Story of Lucy and J. Edgar

The Political Marriage of Todd Gitlin and Bill Kristol

Malcolm at the Audubon Ballroom

Malcolm at the Audubon Ballroom

Making Cannabis Safe for Capital

NOVA Does Cannabis

In Defense of Andrew Wiggins

The Full Rudy

Notes on a Cold-Hearted Labor Day in San Francisco

The Sub-Prime of Ms. Jane Brody: Still Ignoring the Science on Medical Marijuana

The Only Way to End the Pandemic

Kinder, Gentler GMOs?

Schumer Plays the Pot Card…at Last

Malcolm Gladwell’s Beige Skin Privilege

The NYT Tries to Dunk on LeBron

Marx in the Afterlife, According to Bob Dylan

Manchin Family Values

On, I Claud: From The Week to the Worker to Breakfast With Hemingway in Spain

On I, Claud: the Autobiography of Claud Cockburn

The Villain Leshner

How the Drug War Succeeded: Dr. Carl Hart Comes Out… Swinging

NewsGuard Can Save You From Putin!

What Snowden Wrought

Most Iraq and Afghanistan Vets now Regret the Mission

On Vaping and Lung Disease

Homage to the Tabloids

The Rise of Kamala Harris

Hardly Strictly Peace Movement

Exploiting Styron’s Ghost

Kate Spade’s Suicide Used for Sales Pitch

Medical Board to MDs: Emphasize Dangers of Marijuana

Dennis Peron: Anti-War Activist