Michael Hudson

Michael Hudson’s new book, The Destiny of Civilization, will be published by CounterPunch Books next month.

Property and Debt in Ancient Rome

How Elite Infighting Made the Magna Carta

Germany as Collateral Damage in America’s New Cold War

Debt Forgiveness in the Bronze Age

Were the Biblical Prophets Anti-Semitic?

IMF Showdown with China in Morocco

Should There be a Supreme Court? Its Role Has Always Been Anti-Democratic

America has Just Destroyed a Great Empire

Why the Bank Crisis isn’t Over

Why the Banking System is Breaking Up

American Diplomacy as a Tragic Drama

The Fed’s Austerity Program to Reduce Wages

The Dollar Devours the Euro

The End of Dollar Hegemony

The American Empire Self-Destructs, But Nobody Thought That It Would Happen This Fast

America Defeats Germany for the Third Time in a Century

America’s Real Adversaries are Its European and Other Allies

Did the Squad Give Away Their Bargaining Power?

Is This the End of the Unreformable Democratic Party?

The Vocabulary of Neoliberal Diplomacy in Today’s New Cold War

Soros’ Dream: To Turn China Into a Neoliberal Grabitization Opportunity

Biden Forfeits His Afghan Victory by Defending His Deep State Advisors

America’s Neoliberal Financialization Policy vs. China’s Industrial Socialism

A Brady Bond Solution for America’s Unpayable Corporate Debt

A Debt Jubilee is the Only Way to Avoid a Depression

The Democrats’ Quandary: In a Struggle Between Oligarchy and Democracy, Something Must Give

What the US Wants in the Near East: an Interview With The Saker

America Escalates Its “Democratic” Oil War in the Near East

Break Up the Democratic Party?

Global Warming and U.S. National Security Diplomacy

The Coming Savings Writedowns

U.S. Economic Warfare and Likely Foreign Defenses

Trump’s Trade Threats are Really Cold War 2.0

An Interview the Saker on Venezuela

Trump’s Brilliant Strategy to Dismember U.S. Dollar Hegemony

Wasting the Lehman Crisis: What Was Not Saved Was the Economy

“Creating Wealth” Through Debt: the West’s Finance-Capitalist Road

Trump’s Travesty of Protectionism

Monetary Imperialism

Socialism, Land and Banking: 2017 Compared to 1917

Putting an End to the Rent Economy

Trumponomics and the Stock Market

Are Students a Class?

Another Housing Bubble?

Why are British Columbians Voting Liberal, Against Their Own Interest?

Somebody’s Going to Suffer: Greece’s New Austerity Measures

The Economics of the Future

Running Government Like a Business is Bad for Citizens

Bloomberg’s Hit Job on Venezuela – and Me

Trump is Obama’s Legacy: Will this Break up the Democratic Party?