Halyna Mokrushyna

Halyna Mokrushyna, Ph.D., is an independent researcher and journalist. Her research interests include the challenges of the post-Soviet transition in Ukraine; social and economic inequality in the post-Soviet context; historical and cultural divisions within Ukraine; social memory and politics of memory; relations between Russia and Canada and the broader context of the post-cold war world and relations between the East and the West. Her articles on these subjects were published on Counterpunch, Truthdig, and Truthout websites.

The ‘Peacekeeper’ Vigilante Website and Freedom of Speech in Ukraine

Transnistria and Donbass: Historical Parallels and Possible Similar Scenarios for the Future

Political Writer, Daughter of Ukrainian Dissident, Detained and Charged in Ukraine

A Prayer for Peace in Ukraine

The War on Ukrainian Scientists

Left-wing, Antiwar Voice in Ukraine Assaulted by Rightist Extremists

Taras Shevchenko, the National Poet of Ukraine… and ‘Russian’ Donetsk

Poroshenko’s ’Bluff’ and Crimea Blockade

Perpetrators Honoring Their Victims, or An Incomprehensible Logic Concerning Donbas “Terrorists”

On Ukraine’s ‘Incorrect’ Past

Decentralization Reform in Ukraine

Orator Poroshenko and the Dead Souls

‘Ukraine Was a Totally Oligarchic State’

Whose Victory Will Ukrainians Celebrate on May 9?

The War Zone of Donetsk

Killings in the Name of Ukrainian Land of Donbas

The Victory of National Democracy in Ukraine

The Suicide of Mikhail Chechetov

The Fight Against “Former People” of Yanukovych “Regime”

Ukrainian Healthcare and the Inept Reforms of New Ukrainian Westernizers

Wars of Past and Wars of Present

Poroshenko the “Civilized”