Algernon Austin

Algernon Austin, a senior research fellow at the Center for Economic and Policy Research, has conducted research and writing on issues of race and racial inequality for over 20 years. His primary focus has been on the intersection of race and the economy. 

Mass Deportation: a Bad Idea for the US Economy

The White Racial Preference in the Employment of College Football Head Coaches

Gun Violence Lowers Academic Achievement Especially for Black Children

Latino Immigrants Do Many of the Most Dangerous Jobs

Haitian Americans: a Socioeconomic Snapshot

The Paris Olympics Illustrated the Power of Racial Equity and Diversity

Governors Need to Do More to Protect Their Low-Income Residents from Climate Change, Especially in the South

Many Asian American Renters Are Struggling to Pay for Housing

US Affordable Rental Housing Policy Either Doesn’t Make Any Sense or Is Working as Intended

We Need More State Climate Corps Jobs Open to More Young People

Conservative Politicians Choose Higher Child Poverty Rates

Subsidized Employment Can Reduce Crime and Gun Violence Among Black Men

Racial Segregation and Gun Violence in Black Communities

The Labor Market for Black Workers is Good, But Not Quite as Good as Some Claim

Asian Americans Have the Lowest Incomes in Mississippi; Highest in New Jersey

Children and Youth Nearly Twice as Likely to Die in the South as New England

The Fed Alone Cannot Create Black Full Employment

When the WPA Created 400,000 Jobs for Black Workers

60 Years of No Progress on Black-White Unemployment Equity

How Poverty Correlates With an Increase in Gun Violence

Why Black People (and Everyone Else) Should Avoid Crypto

Only Radical Changes Will Make Rents Affordable

Black Children are Disproportionately Harmed by Extremist Gun Rights Policies in the US

A Brief Look at Low-Income Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

How Far Are We from Martin Luther King’s Dream of Equal of Opportunity?

The Link Between Gun Violence and Economic Hardship in Black Communities

How US Guns Destabilize Latin America and Fuel the Refugee Crisis

Even During COVID-19 Recession, Temporary Assistance Does Little to Reduce Child Poverty

Hurricane Ida Showed Us that Our Infrastructure Isn’t Ready for Climate Change

Addressing the Unique Labor Market Challenges of Black Men