Thomas Klikauer – Nadine Campbell

The Global COVID-19 Inequality Virus

A Winner Take All System: Inside the Global Money Making Apparatus

The Mass Deception Machine of Computational Propaganda

AfD Strongholds, Hygiene Rallies, Tin-Foil Hats and Coronavirus Infections

The “New” Corporation

It’s the Government, Stupid!

Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories in Germany

How the Market Destroys the Lifeworld

How a Turkish-German Couple Invented a Coronavirus Vaccine

The New Elite: Dark Nights Rising

Manufacturing Happy People

The Anti-Racist Feminist and the Corporate CEO

Inside Amazon

The New Class War of the Managerial Elite

COVID-19 Changed Work in Germany

The Criminology of Global Warming

Right-Wing Populism and the End of Democracy

Big Google and Facebook are Watching You!

Propaganda Beyond Trump

Three Populists and Three Women

The Covid-19 Conspiracies of German Neo-Nazis

Conspiracies and the Coronavirus in the USA and Germany

The Politics of Framing and the Framing of Politics

Tabloid Goes TV: the Foxification of America

Corona, Capital and Class in Germany