Robert Koehler

Robert Koehler is a Chicago award-winning journalist and editor.

Growing Up

Choice Without Shackles

Good Guys with Guns?

Embracing the Complexity of Peace

The Collateral Damage Comes Home

Sexual Assault and the American Way

Beyond Gun Control, We Need Hatred Control

The Heart is Mightier than the Sword

Eve’s Choice: Patriarchy No Longer Rules

A Promise to Our Kids: We Won’t Kill You

The Global Suicide Budget

Humanity: Evolving in Spite of Itself

Standing Together for the Sacred

Save the Planet, Behead the Military Budget

When Jim Crow greeted black veterans

Transcending the Certainties of War

Life Goes on, Right?

The Frailty of Peace in the Midst of War

Creating Peace Means Changing the World

Afghanistan on the Brink of Disaster

The Court of Ecological Awareness

Ukraine and the Nuclear Paradox

Jim Crow Wails in Anguish

A Citizen of the World (Still) Speaks

Untangling Ourselves From the Dark Side

The Myth of the Good War

Poisoning Ourselves With War

Do We Dare Stop Being Afraid of Ourselves?

Mass Murder: New Victims, Same Old Questions

Our Shackled Planet

Reclaiming a Lost Sense of Community

National Defense and Dead Children

American History: Let’s Face the Truth

The Myth of Redemptive Violence

A World Without Money

A Zen Koan on Columbus Day

Wrestling With Infinity

Separating the Cross and the Sword

Women’s Rights: Afghanistan and Beyond

A National Rite of Passage: Beyond War

Letting the Future out of its Cage

After Afghanistan . . . A Truth Commission?

Growing Old in the Newborn Universe

War, Herbicides and Moral Disengagement

Is a United World Possible?

Democracy: Enemy of the Powerful

Moral Intelligence or Nuclear War

The narrow borders of militarism

Why Did You Kill my Brother?

Politically Correct Racism