Ramona E. Durán is a writer, scholar and educator. She has recently been involved with launching the Radical Education Department (RED), an autonomous collective dedicated to the construction of a radical internationalist Left through direct action education. Gabriel Rockhill is a Franco-American philosopher, cultural critic and activist. He is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Villanova University and founding Director of the Atelier de Théorie Critique at the Sorbonne. His books include Counter-History of the Present: Untimely Interrogations into Globalization, Technology, Democracy (2017), Interventions in Contemporary Thought: History, Politics, Aesthetics (2016), Radical History & the Politics of Art (2014) and Logique de l’histoire (2010). In addition to his scholarly work, he has been actively engaged in extra-academic activities in the art and activist worlds, and he is one of the co-founders of the Radical Education Department (RED). Follow on twitter: @GabrielRockhill