Gregory Barrett

Euro-Greens Win the Parliamentary Hot Seat

The Left and Population

What Future Awaits the Babies of 2018?

Compassion is So Out of Fashion

Fighting for the Truth About Refugees – and Losing Ground

The Moral Mask

POSSESSED! Europe’s American Demon Must Be Exorcised

Germany, Israel, Palestine, Neo-Nazis, Refugees, Roger Waters, BDS, and “Antisemitism”: Very Complicated

US Neocon Wars Open Pandora’s Box in Europe

Beauty and Horror: American Refugee Visits His Native Parallel Universe

The German Election: the West’s Nervous Breakdown Continues

The Karma of Terror

Two Johnstones and a Leftish Dilemma: Nationalism vs. Neoliberalism

“Realpolitik” in Berlin: Merkel Fawns Over Kissinger

An Assault on Language: “Extremism”

The Russians Didn’t Do It

Taboo Subject in NATO Media: Refugees, America’s Gift to Europe

Hope is Our Enemy: Fighting Boiling Frog Syndrome  

Can Democracy Save Us?

Flag, Cap and Screen: Hollywood’s Propaganda Machine

Bad Theater at the United Nations (Starring Kerry, Power, and Obama

The Banning of Ilija Trojanow