Patrick Howlett-Martin

Patrick Howlett-Martin is a career diplomat living in Paris. His new book is La Mémoire Profanée. Les Spoliations Nazies. Le vol du Patrimoine culturel et la question de sa restitution (The Profaned Memory. Nazis Spoliations. The Theft of Cultural Heritage and the Issue of its Restitution), L’Harmattan, Paris, October 2023.

Israel’s Slippery Slope to Genocide

Being Jewish And Being Israeli: Argentina’s Experience

The Children of Gaza

Gaza, What Future?

France and COVID-19: Incompetence and Conceit

Repatriate the Children of the Jihad

Germany and France: Old Demons

Islamist Terrorism: As You Sow So Shall You Reap

A Note on the Paris Peace Forum

1918-2018: France  and Germany Mourn

Nazis Art Plunders: All That Belongs to the Past ?

Art, Nationalism and Cultural Heritage

Egypt: a Breeding Ground for Terrorism

Libya: How to Bring Down a Nation

The Paris Attacks: a Chronicle Foretold