Matthew Hoh

Matthew Hoh is the Associate Director of the Eisenhower Media Network. 

Bodybags From Gaza: Is the Second Marine Division Going to Palestine?

Eight Days in Palestine

Stare into Gaza: The Horror Was Not What I Expected

They Would Not Know Us

Defending Democracy: When Wars Come Home

An Escalatory Game for Fools and Madmen

Imperial Costs: Two Stories Summarize the Cost of Empire to Democracy

Armistice Day and the Empire: A Name Change and the Catastrophe that Followed

Don’t Let Your Pride Get in the Way of Our Arms Sales, Jack!

Destroying Eastern Ukraine to Save It

A War Long Wanted: Diplomatic Malpractice in Ukraine

Beyond Vietnam and Into Today

Nearly 3/4 of the World’s Dictators Receive US Weapons and Military Assistance

Robotic Killing Machines and Our Future: Chris Pratt, Aliens and Drones

Was it Just? America and Her Suicidal Combat Veterans

Mike Gravel and An Ongoing Road to Courage

Keep Active, Fight Hard and Wear a Damn Mask

Biden’s Moral Hazard

Third Party Now for 2024

The American Way of War, a Required Reading List

Lights! Camera! Kill! Hollywood, the Pentagon and Imperial Ambitions.

The Mountains Sing

They Have the Watches, We Have the Time; US and Iran Hardliners Still Want War

Heaven Protect Us From Men Who Live the Illusion of Danger: Pete Buttigieg and the US Military

The Killing of General Soleimani: Hail Mars! Hail Pluto!

Authorizations for Madness; The Effects and Consequences of Congress’ Endless Permissions for War

Repeal the Nearly Two-Decade-Old War Authorizations

And the Armies That Remained Suffer’d: Veterans, Moral Injury and Suicide

Time for Peace in Afghanistan and an End to the Lies

CIA in Afghanistan: Operation Phoenix Redux?

Bowe Bergdahl: Traitor to American Exceptionalism and White Supremacy

The Lies on Afghanistan