Malik Diamond

Malik Diamond is a hip hop artist, cartoonist, author, educator, and martial arts instructor. Born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, he is the descendant of kidnapped Africans, conquered Natives, and rural laborers of the Scots-Irish, Swiss, and German varieties. He currently lives in Oakland, California, with two brown humans and a white cat. E-mail: malikdiamond (at) hotmail (dot) com

The Best Revenge – Art and Culture in a Time Without Hope

Folk Culture of the End Times – Reflections on Hip Hop’s 50th Anniversary

Artificial Intelligence and the Curse of the Machine Gods

Wakanda ForNEVER – The Seductive Sorcery of Representation

Unmediated Community – Ten Years of The Invisible Army

The Eerie Silence of Elder Trees

The Planet-Sized Blind Spot of the Left

Running Out of Boundaries

Baiting Tigers and Poking Dragons – A Kungfu Perspective on China and Taiwan

Apocalyptic Reflections of a Reluctant Road Warrior

Defang the Snake

Driving the Fury Road

Spider Lodge – First Nations and Our Funky Relatives

Hip Hop Lessons on the Nuclear Geo-Chess

Native Not-Americans and the Cybernetic Imperium

The BDSM Passion Play of the Capitalocracy