Jason Leopold

JASON LEOPOLD is the former Los Angeles bureau chief of Dow Jones Newswires where he spent two years covering the energy crisis and the Enron bankruptcy. He just finished writing a book about the crisis, due out in December through Rowman & Littlefield. He can be reached at: jasonleopold@hotmail.com

Woodward’s Plame-Leak Deep Throat

White House "Discovers" 250 Emails Related to Plame Leak

Lay and Skilling in the Dock

A Vaster Conspiracy?

How Cheney Used the NSA for Domestic Spying Prior to 9/11

NSA Destroyed Evidence of Domestic Spying

Did Karl Rove Hide or Destroy Evidence in Plame Case?

Rove Running Out of Answers, Time

Secret CIA Testimony Undermines Bush, Again

Cheney and the Cover Up

Now It’s About the Forgeries

The Decline and Fall of Senator Bill Frist

How to Turn a Natural Disaster into a Man-Made Catastrophe


How Michael Brown Helped Bush Win Florida

Bush Legacy: a Few Prosper; Thousands Perish

Bush’s Demented Priorities

What’s Eating Cindy Sheehan?

Bush’s Lips Move, But He Says Nothing

Halliburton and Iran

What Did Rove Say and When Did He Say It?

James Kelliher, the Man Who Invited Enron to Help Write Bush’s National Energy Policy

Someone Tell Bush that Iraq Wasn’t Responsible for 9/11 Before He Starts Another War

Former Army Secretary Thomas White Wants Government Funding for New Energy Project

When Will Rumsfeld Be Indicted?

When Presidents Lie

BP Stains the Arctic

Drilling and Spilling in ANWR

Drilling and Spilling in ANWR

Bush’s Choice for Energy Czar is One of Texas’s Worst Polluters

Did Harvard Hire (Another) War Criminal?

Rummy’s Failed War Plan

Sinclair Broadcasting’s Air War

Under Cheney, Halliburton Helped Saddam Siphon Billions from UN’s Oil-for-Food Program

Is There Still Time to Impeach Bush?

How Cheney Got Away With $35 Million Before the Feds Launched a Probe into Halliburton

Cheney Lobbied Congress to Ease Sanction Against Terrorist Countries While CEO of Halliburton

Lay, Skilling and Enron’s Washington Lobbyist Knew About Company’s Trading Schemes in California

Rice Never Mentioned al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden Before 9/11, Investigation

Firm with Ties to Cheney’s Task Force Faces Criminal Indictment

Cheney Helped Cover-Up Nuclear Proliferation in 1989, So Pentagon Could Sell Pakistan Fighter Jets

Undermining the UN Mission in Iraq

Halliburton Faces New Criminal Probe

The Rummy/Wolfowitz War Letters

Will Anyone Hold Bush Accountable?

Halliburton in Iran

Ghosts in the Machines

Ghosts in the Machines

California’s Blackouts Were the "Wake Up Call"

Schwarzenegger, Michael Milken and Ken Lay