E. Ahmet Tonak is a research affiliate at Smith College. Received his PhD from New School for Social Research in Economics. Has taught at Hampshire College, UMass-Amherst, Bard College at Simon’s Rock and many universities in Turkey. Author and editor of many books, including In the Tracks of Marx’s Capital, (forthcoming, with Sungur Savran), Measuring the Wealth of Nations: The Political Economy of National Accounts (with Anwar Shaikh) and Turkey in Transition: New Perspectives (with İrvin C. Schick).
Sungur Savran is a writer and revolutionary militant based in Istanbul, Turkey. Graduated from Brandeis University in Politics and received his PhD from Istanbul University in Economics. Has taught at a number of universities, including as visiting faculty at the Economics Department of the Graduate School of the New School for Social Research for several years. Chairperson of DIP (Revolutionary Workers’ Party) and author and editor of many books., His latest book was published very recently on the anniversary of Lenin’s centennial, titled Lenin: Leader of World Revolution (in Turkish).