Graham Peebles

Graham Peebles is a British freelance writer and charity worker. He set up The Create Trust in 2005 and has run education projects in Sri Lanka, Ethiopia and India.  E:  W:

Is There Any Space Left For Unity?

The Annihilation of a Nation

This is What Evil Looks Like

The Violence of Wealth and Income Inequality

UK Riots: Racism And Islamophobia Meets Community Unity

Labour Government: The Politics of Service

2024: People Starve As The Rich Get Richer

Ethiopia Beyond Pretoria: Is Another War Imminent?

Disintegration and Choice

The Hidden Genocide in Ethiopia

Peace Requires Freedom and Justice

The Planet is Under Siege

Apartheid is Now Genocide

Beyond The Madness A Revolution is Brewing

We’re Still Breathing: Amhara Genocide in Ethiopia

Gaza: Israeli Barbarism With US Support

“Gaza is Becoming A Graveyard for Children”

Gaza: It’s Not a War It’s Genocide

The Impossibility of Peace In A Divided World

Ethiopia: Amhara Genocide and the Threat of Civil War

True Responsibility and The Need for Change

Ethiopia: Crushing Freedom Creating Fear

The Crowning Fiasco: Even The King Looked Embarrassed

Ethiopia: Amhara People, Betrayed Persecuted and Ignored

Ethiopia: The Agony of Tribal Nationalism

Mental Health Illness: A Global Tragedy by Design

Ethnic Terrorism Continues to Stalk Ethiopia

From Excess to Simplicity of Living and Social Justice

Copout In Cairo: ‘They’ Just Don’t Care

Ethiopia: Peace Agreed Now The Work Begins

Crisis Or Catastrophe: Nothing Changes

A Loud and Clear Lesson – For Ethiopia and the World

Ethiopia: Peace Is Impossible While TPLF Roam The Land

Women Life Freedom

Universal Tipping Points: Change is Coming

UK: Fragmentation and Decline Under Conservative Rule

Renewed TPLF Terror War Against the Ethiopian People

Climate Change: Endless Words, Where’s the Action?

Poverty Division Democratic Destruction: The Johnson Legacy

Drought in the Horn of Africa: Worst in 40 Years

Killing Palestinian Journalists and The Silence of Israeli Apartheid

Discontent By Design

The Population Implosion

Multiplying Hatred and Division: Humanity at War With Itself

“Open Your Hearts and Act”: African Youth Activists on Climate Apathy

The Keep Africa Poor and Dependent Project

Western Lies and False Narratives About Ethiopia

Johnson Does Downing Street: Booze, Lies and Playacting

Ethiopia: Historic Battle for the Mother of Africa

Ethiopia Conflict by US Design