Frida Berrigan

Frida Berrigan is the author of It Runs In The Family: On Being Raised by Radicals and Growing into Rebellious Motherhood. She is a TomDispatch regular, writes occasionally for WagingNonviolence.Org, and serves on the Board of Kirkridge Retreat and Study Center. She has three children and lives in New London, Connecticut, where she is a gardener and community organizer.

One Last Thing, America!

Militarism Abuse Disorder

The Art of the Submarine

Grappling with Nuclear Dangers at 90 Seconds to Midnight

Walking in an Oven World

90 Seconds to Midnight: The Doomsday Clock and Me

A Pandemic Year of Hope, Trauma, and Tragedy, Up Close and Personal

A Christmas Confession: I’m Taking an Eco-Holiday From It All

Meatball Subs, Not Nuclear Subs: Or How to Deliver 16,128 Hiroshimas

The Long Haul: Living Through Pandemic-Plus

Nuclear Weapons Ruined My Life…and I Wouldn’t Have It Any Other Way

A Child at World’s End

Facing the Future With Trepidation in the Age of Trump

Trillion Dollar Babies

Losing the Moral High Ground

Nuclear Options

Militarizing the Border

US Nuclear Hypocrisy and Iran

"Hearts Ruptured with Sadness"

US Rides Weapons Bonanza Wave

Privatizing the Apocalypse

US Weapons Aid Repression in Aceh