Erik Molvar

Erik Molvar is a wildlife biologist and is the Laramie, Wyoming-based Executive Director of Western Watersheds Project, a nonprofit group dedicated to protecting and restoring watersheds and wildlife on western public lands.

Landmark Agreement Boosts Native Ecosystems on Point Reyes National Seashore

The Real Story of Yellowstone

Should We Have Wolves or Livestock on Public Lands?

Ranchers, Livestock, and Wolves: Why We Should Coexist

ESA at 50: Celebrating the Nation’s Most Effective Environmental Law

In Nevada, Cattle and Sheep are the Real Ecological Catastrophe

Anthropomorphism, Anthropocentrism, and Asha the Wandering Wolf

Let’s Give Buffalo Freedom to Roam

A Peek Behind the Curtain at BLM’s Wild Horse and Burro problems

Taming the Climate Impacts of Cattle and Sheep

The Case for Equal Protections for Wolves Throughout Their Range

Busting Livestock Industry Myths About Cattle and Soil Carbon

Can the BLM be Fixed? Tracy Stone-Manning Takes the Helm of a Broken Agency

How the Park Service Sold Out Point Reyes National Seashore to the Livestock Industry

America’s Largest Windfarm: an Environmental Disaster?

Biden Should Put Science, Not Policy Positions, in the Driver’s Seat on Wolves and the Endangered Species Act

The Fictions of Onaqui Expose Fatal Flaws in the BLM’s Wild Horse Round Ups

Why Regenerative Farming Works and Regenerative Ranching Fails

The Anti-Wolf Conspiracy Inside Colorado’s Wildlife Bureaucracy

Redefining the Anthropocene

Honor the Tribal Vision for Bears Ears National Monument

Livestock and Deforestation in the American West

“Apocalypse Cow:” Point Reyes National Seashore Launches a Propaganda War Targeting Independent Journalism

How Biden’s Policy Could Bring Positive Changes to the American West

Why the Hammonds’ Livestock Shouldn’t be Allowed on Public Land

The Times Call for a Bold Conservation Agenda, Will Biden Seize the Moment?

The Focus on Wild Horses Distracts From the Massive Damage Caused by the Livestock Industry

Why Red States Want to Seize Control of the Endangered Species Act

Killing Fields: the Seamy Side of Idaho’s Wildlife Agency

How the Cattle Council’s Fire Study Distorts Realities

With Pendley Toppled, the Alt-Right’s Public Land Agenda Starts to Crumble

Trump Slaps California With Anti-Environmental Plan for Point Reyes National Seashore

William Perry Pendley Must Go

Inside Trump’s Attack on America’s Environmental Charter

It’s Always the Ranchers

The “Restoration Grazing” Argument Fell Flat in Court

Should Federal Public Lands be Prioritized for Renewable Energy Development?

The Public Wants Ranchers Out of Point Reyes National Seashore

Oil industry Exploits Pandemic as Excuse to Dodge Federal Regulations, Fees

Trump’s Gutting of NEPA Will Cut the Public Out of Public Lands Decisions

Washington Legislature Report a Strong First Step in Ending Domestic Terrorism

Time to End the Use of M-44 Cyanide Bombs

The Ten Big Lies of Traditional Western Politics

Not So Fast With That Wyoming Grizzly Hunt