Belén Fernández

Belén Fernández is the author of The Imperial Messenger: Thomas Friedman at Work, published by Verso, and Martyrs Never Die: Travels through South Lebanon.

Letter From Iran

Baltimore, the Fire This Time

Tom Friedman’s Special Relationship

How Israel Battles "Barbs of Criticism"

Erdogan’s Hebrew Phrasebook Requires Upgrade

"Worse Than Pirates"

Thomas Friedman Reports Progress in Mexican Baby Names

Check Out That Cuban!

Police Perform Halftime Show at Zelaya Airport Farewell

Superficial Reality in Honduras

An Interview with Honduran Coup General Romeo Vásquez Velásquez

Tourists of the Honduran Counter-Revolution

Why Didn’t the Leopard Eat Tom Friedman?

Zelaya in Nicaragua

Thomas Friedman Does Afghanistan

Ahmadinejad, IranAir and the 15th Anniversary of the AMIA Bombing

The Situation in Honduras

The Joksters

Israel’s Newfound Concern for UNIFIL

Oil and Aguardiente in the Ecuadoran Elections

The FARC Can’t Dance

12 Años de Soledad?

Chávez, a Cockfight and the Caracazo

The Venezuelan Referendum From the Back of a Pickup Truck

Politics on the Panamericana

Changing the Equation

The Trauma Vortex

Pardon Our Dust

Hanukkah Games