Diana Block

Diana Block works with the Bay Area Cuba Saving Lives Committee. She is a founding and active member of the California Coalition for Women Prisoners , an abolitionist organization that celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2020. She is the author of a memoir, Arm the Spirit – A Woman’s Journey Underground and Back (AKPress 2009), and a novel, Clandestine Occupations – An Imaginary History (PM Press 2015). She writes for various online journals.  

Sana’ and Milad Daqqah: Reproductive Heroism Defies Israel’s Prisons and Genocide

Defending Bodily Sovereignty and the Long Arc of Radical Feminist Care

The Terrorist Designation is a Crime Against Us: An interview with Tahreer Jaber

Cuba Lives, Breathes, Resists – May Day, COVID, Guantánamo, & the Summit of the Americas

No To Preventive Detention: From Palestine, to Guantánamo, to U.S. Jails!

The Great Palestinian Escape of 2021: Reflections from the U.S. Abolitionist Landscape

What Cuba Has to Teach, in Pandemic Times and Beyond

Teaching Palestine in South Africa

Two Wings of the Same Bird – Puerto Rico, Cuba, Hurricanes and Political Prisoners

Rasmea and Oscar: Resisting the Criminalization of Freedom Fighting

No Sanctuary for Palestinian Scholarship

Reflections on a Delegation to Imprisoned Palestine