Ajamu Baraka

Ajamu Baraka is the national organizer of the Black Alliance for Peace and was the 2016 candidate for vice president on the Green Party ticket. He is an editor and contributing columnist for the Black Agenda Report and contributing columnist for Counterpunch magazine. 

War, Genocide and Coups

A Ceasefire is Necessary But Not Sufficient

For Black Working Class Midterms Mean Nothing

For the Peoples of our Region, the Failure of Biden’s Summit of the Americas Would be a Welcome Event

Why the Russian Federation Recognized the Independence Movements in the Donbas

Countering Liberal Human Rights with the Black Radical Human Rights Framework

The Delusional Commitment to the Doctrine of “Full Spectrum Dominance” is leading the U.S. and the World to Disaster

COP26: Greenwashing, Plutocratic Misadventures — and the Possibilities of Radical Transformation

Class Warfare and Socialist Resistance: Nicaragua, Cuba, Venezuela as Existential Threats to the US

Build Back Better Legislation: New Keynesianism or Neoliberal Public Relations Stunt? 

The Western Imperial Left’s Collaboration with the Western Bourgeoisie

Defend the Cuba Revolution and Struggle for More Socialism, Not Less!

Murder of Daunte Wright Ruined Derek Chauvin Show Trial

Agenda 2021: Resist the U.S./EU/NATO Axis of Domination

Will This Be the Radicalization of Black Lives Matter?

Confronting Bipartisan Repression and the US/EU/NATO Axis of Domination Beyond Election Day

Will a Biden Foreign Policy Make a Difference for the World?

The Responsibility to Protect? Bipartisan Crimes Against Humanity in the U.S.

Trump Prosecutors Make Move to Ensure that Embassy Protectors are Convicted

History Demands: Turn Imperialist Wars into Wars Against Imperialism

Syria: Exposing Western Radical Collaboration with Imperialism

Trump and Black Misleadership Class: Collaborators in the Defense of White Power

U.S. Militarism and the One-Sided Class War

No Dare Call It Austerity

2020 Elections: It’s Militarism and the Military Budget Stupid!

Arrest of Marzieh Hashemi Reveals Bipartisan Nature of Police State

The Bolton Speech on Africa: A Case of the Wolf and the Foxes

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 70: Time to De-Colonize Human Rights!

Syria and the S-300s: Re-Centering the People in the Global Struggles for Power

Opposing Bipartisan Warmongering is Defending Human Rights of the Poor and Working Class

Trump and the Politics of Neoliberal Destruction

Cultural and Ideological Struggle in the US: a Final Comment on Ocasio-Cortez

North Korea Issue is Not De-nuclearization But De-Colonization

The Democrats Out-Right the Right on North Korean Summit

Israel Commemorates Nakba with Mass Murder at the Gaza Fence

Venezuela: Revenge of the Mad-Dog Empire

Liberal Totalitarianism and the Trump Diversion

The Responsibility to Protect the World … from the United States

Race, Repression and Russiagate: Defending Radical Black Self-Determination

The Empire’s Hustle: Why Anti-Trumpism Doesn’t Include Anti-War

The Story of Charlottesville Was Written in Blood in the Ukraine

Health Care in America: Where is the Socialist Solution?

The Body Count Rises in the U.S. War Against Black People

The Black Alliance for Peace: 50 Years Later, We Must Again Confront and Reject U.S. Warmongering

Malcolm X and Human Rights in the Time of Trumpism: Transcending the Master’s Tools

Celebrating Dr. King with the Departure of Barack Obama

Trump’s Neo-Fascism will be built on Neo-Fascism of Obama and Democratic Party

Baltimore: Impunity for the Police and Prison for the Resisters

Paris, Orlando and Turkey: Displacing the Narrative of Western Innocence

Beyonce and the Politics of Cultural Dominance