Christopher Brauchli

Christopher Brauchli can be e-mailed at For political commentary see his web page at

The Method of Missouri’s Madness

The Unfairness of Context

If Only They’d Asked

Privatizing the IRS

How Trump Killed the Asterisk

Being Kris Kobach

No Cause for Alarm

Joseph, Mary and Roy Moore

The Christian and the Cake

The Dark Prince: Mercenaries in the Senate?

How to Report a Tweet

It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s …. Scott Pruitt!

Excuse Me, Which Dictator Are You Talking About?

The Quixote of Kansas

The Quality of Trump’s Mercy

Judge Roy Moore Rides Again

Game of Chairs

Scam Schools: For-Profit Education in the Time of Trump

The Routinization of Mass Shootings in America

Voiceless Victims in Trump’s America

The Certified Trump

Trump’s Coming War on Cancer Patients

Guardians of Lies

The Bright Side of Deportation: Private Prison Stocks are Soaring!

Prisoners as Captive Customers

Legalized Cheating

Tweet Envy

Welcome to the Strange Man’s Amerika

The Politics of the Toilet Police

Trump 1, Tillerson 0

The President of Perks

Politics and the Trump Language

Trump’s Contempt

Swing Low Alabama

Why Did Congress Do It? Because They Can

Wonder Woman at the UN

Wells Fargo as Metaphor for the Trump Campaign

The Politics of Zika

The Saga of the Corpse of Ferdinand Marcos

Political Word Games

Kansas and the Phantom Voters

Educating Kansas

We’re Not in Trump Tower Anymore, Toto

The Wages of Corruption

The GOP’s Magical Thinking About Trump

Trump isn’t the Only Clown in Town, Consider Alabama

Privatizing the IRS?

How Congress Can Save Time and Money

“Evolution is Hooey” and Other Texas Textbook Tales

The GOP’s New Troika: Trump, Christie and Duke