Basav Sen

Basav Sen directs the Climate Justice Project at the Institute for Policy Studies.

Warped Government Priorities Make Climate Disasters Worse

The Assault on Democracy Goes Global

Why I Crashed the White House’s Garden Party for Modi

In the Long Fight for Climate Justice, Activists Win Key Victory Against Manchin and Fossil Fuel Industry

The Climate Crimes of the British Empire

Pushing Back on “Soft Climate Denial”

Three Hopeful Stories of Environmental Activism

How the U.S. Transportation System Fuels Inequality

Why Did a US Envoy Meet With the Head of a Fascist Militia in India?

Fossil-Fueled Fascism

Paying Politicians to Criminalize Protests

Cyclone Amphan is a Warning for the United States

Five Ways Using Stimulus Funds for Energy Efficiency Would Reduce Inequality and Protect the Planet

Why the Trump/Modi Relationship is So Dangerous

Nearly All Americans Want Off of Fossil Fuels

Most Americans Support Phasing-Out Fossil Fuels…Isn’t That Worth a Headline?

The Oil Despots

Name and Shame Big Political Contributors

The Terrifying Global Implications of Modi’s Re-Election

Democrats Failed Their First Big Test on Climate

Killing for Coal (Literally)

Want to Create More Jobs? Reduce Fossil Fuel Use

Brett Kavanaugh Would be a Disaster for the Climate

The Brutal Racial Politics of Climate Change and Pollution

Making Utility Bills Rise Again: Trump’s Attack on Energy Efficiency

The Coal Industry is a Job Killer