Brad Wolf

Brad Wolf, a lawyer and former prosecutor, is director of Peace Action Network of Lancaster, PA and co-coordinates the Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal. His new book on the writings of Philip Berrigan is entitled “A Ministry of Risk” and was published April 2 by Fordham University Press.

Tax Day and War Resistance, Philip Berrigan Style

Restoring Human Dignity on the U.S. Southern Border

Seeing Our Way to Peace

War for Profit: A Short History

Staying Alive in a Country of Death

Our Freedoms Shrink as Our Military Expands

Poetic Nonviolent Victory Over War

How to Defeat an Army

The Powell Memo Revisited

The Powell Memo Revisited

“Subpoenas” Served on U.S. Weapons Manufacturers

Crossing the Border into Ukraine

The Media Finds Its War

“Trying to Avoid World War III”

Stick to Your Guns? No, Stick to Your Songs

The Dance of Sympathy

How To Get the War Out of America