Andrea Mazzarino

Andrea Mazzarino co-founded Brown University’s Costs of War Project. She is an activist and social worker interested in the health impacts of war. She has held various clinical, research, and advocacy positions, including at a Veterans Affairs PTSD Outpatient Clinic, with Human Rights Watch, and at a community mental health agency. She is the co-editor of the new book War and Health: The Medical Consequences of the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

American Troops as Migrants

The Return of War to the Home Front

What’s at Stake in 2024 — from (My) Rural America

War Forever, Everywhere

Deep Corporate America

War and Famine

Shooting Alone: America’s Social Priorities Shaped by Decades of War

If America Were a Trumpian Autocracy

The October 7th America Has Forgotten

Trump 2.0, Remaking (or Is It Breaking?) America in his Image

Trump, the Second Time Around

What Wars Do to the Nations That Fight Them

Contemplating the Unimaginable Costs of a Nuclear War

How War Divides Us

Confronting the Phantom Limbs of America’s Foreign Wars

America’s Remarkable Unwillingness to Support Its Veterans

The War on Terror and the Battle for Young Minds

Military Food Insecurity and Our Obsession with Defense Spending

My 10 Years as a Military Spouse in America’s Post-9/11 World

Why Dobbs Is a Recipe for Disaster in the Military

A Military Rich in Dollars, Poor in People

America’s Anger Problem

War as Terrorism: Conflicts We Can’t Win, Suffering We Don’t See

The Costs of (Another) War, When We Could Be Fighting Climate Change

The Pentagon We Don’t Think About

The Costs of War (to You)

Eyes Are Always on You: Life in the Post-9/11 Military

Who Authorized America’s Wars? And Why They Never End

Pandemic of Sexual Assault in the Military?

Making Sense of a Viral Military

Perspectives on the Storming of the Capitol from a Military Spouse

Indirect Deaths: The Massive and Unseen Costs of America’s Post-9/11 Wars

A Military Spouse’s Perspective on Bringing the Troops Home From Afghanistan and Iraq

How the War Came Home, Big Time

War Zone America? Perspectives on a Riven Nation from a Worried Military Spouse

The Military is Sick

The War Zone is America: a Military Spouse’s Perspective on Racism and Armed Violence in the United States

“The Shooters are Coming!” War on Terror, War on Education

Bearing Witness to the Costs of War