Steve Breyman

Steve Breyman was a William C. Foster Visiting Scholar Fellow in the Clinton State Department, and serves as an advisor to Jill Stein, candidate for the Green Party presidential nomination. Reach him at

Questions for Hillary Clinton: Trolling the Candidate on the Campaign Trail

A Heinous Non-Surprise: the NYT Endorses Hillary

In and After Paris: a Climate Justice Agenda

Baked Alaska: Obama, Climate Change and the Arrogance of Power

Fracking Fraud

Being David Brooks

Obama and the Convention Against Torture

Lost in the Ozone Again

Why Obama “Must” Bomb ISIS

ISIS and the American Way of War

What’s Wrong With Cuomo’s Energy Plan?

Selling the Never-Ending War on Terror

A Dr. Strangelove for the 21st Century

Inside the Fanciful World of Stratfor

Climate Change Messaging: Avoid the Truth

Nukes Now

Avoiding Unpleasant Truths with David Brooks

Don’t Frack the Future

The Misguided Colbert Busch Campaign

Obama v. EPA: Constructing His Environmental Legacy

The Mildly Distinctive, Mostly Mainstream Foreign Policy of Rand Paul

Why the War on Terror Endures

Richard Cohen, Conflicted About Torture

The NYT Does Gaza, Again

Obama in Africa

David Brooks and the Politics of Moderation

Five Reasons Not to Intervene in Syria

Why the Minimum Wage Shrinks

When Will the New York Times Show Some Spine?

The Key to My Raise

SPINning the Syrian Protests

Unplug Your TV

Nuclear Power and the Nuremberg Code

Explaining Obama

Cellulosic Fantasy

The True Meaning of Marriage

Border Control vs. Cleaning Up Wall Street

Study War Some More

Condi Weighs In

How to End US Reliance on Dictators

Surreal Politik

The War on Public Workers

Reagan, Reagan Jr and Alzheimer’s

In the Matter of James Cole

The Return of Debtors’ Prisons

The Myth That Kills

Afghanistan: the Inside Story

Time for a War Tax

Counting the Unemployed

Why is Biden Channeling Cheney?