In appearance the US election campaign extravaganza is heating up. Latinos in New Mexico recently protested violently against a Trump rally, at times some, including the networks, implied that the United States could descend into a modern day civil war opposing pretty much the old south and its racist Confederate ideology to the rest of the country. Despite being a New Yorker, Trump certainly has the support of the redneck white racist vote, it is a dangerous appeal in a country where the mid 1800s civil war was never over at least in some element of the collective consciousness. Would a Trump election make the US descend into a civil war redux, largely based on geographical and racial divides? Could a Trump election make the empire implode from within? I am making the assumption that this is theater to revive public interest and sustain television ratings, but sometimes racism, once revived, is hard to kill. An illustration of that: not long ago, in the deep Confederate south, I overhead a conversation between two men discussing the election outcomes. Their chilling conclusion ,which was generously punctuated by laughs, was that regardless of the outcome of a Trump versus Clinton contest: “At least we won’t have a n—er in the White House.”
This vitriolic passion is making worldwide public opinion rather uneasy, and it should, because perhaps it indicates that the empire could have found the emperor it fully deserves: a depraved born-again Caligula. An emperor of chaos serving as a reflection of the empire’s policies. Indeed, if worldwide public opinion nerves are raw about the racism embodied by Trump’s supporters, it is child’s play compared to the trail of death, ashes and misery left behind by one US administration after another for 36 years and counting. Is racism still alive and well in America? Of course it is! Not long ago, the nasty culture of exclusion and racial divide in this country seemed to be over. After all, in 2008 US voters had elected their first black President, and the historical stigma was supposed to be over. Of course, it never was it just became completely incorrect and could not be expressed. Donald Trump has revived this racism, and he has allowed it, probably not fully intentionally, to bloom openly in the public discourse.
This is of course assuming that Trump is running to win and not just for entertainment purpose. Late developments confirmed our original assumption that Trump is a hired actor following a script. Most will ask: how can you say that? How can you dismiss the vile bellicosity on each side as an act? The proof is always in the pudding, and we have a smoking gun as evidence. A few days ago, Dady Chery broke Charles Ortel to the left in her interview with the well respected financial analyst. Subsequently, Utrice Leid at Progressive Radio Network (PRN) invited Ortel several times on her show to explain his detailed findings about the more than suspicious fundraising practices of the Clinton Foundation.
This took care of getting the word out in the left alternative media. But more had to be done: our goal became to break the Clinton Foundation story to the mainstream, specifically cable news networks such as Fox News. On May 25, 2016 I contacted Jeffrey Gordon who apparently works for the Trump campaign. Calls and text messages were not returned. Meanwhile, on May 26, Fox News focused more on the Hillary Clinton’s email story which is compared to the revelations of Mr Ortel beating on a dead horse. If the Trump candidacy is an exercise in futility why pump so much venom into it? It is quite simple: firstly, to make Americans believe the elections are real, secondly to keep the vast amount of money involved flowing into the coffers of mainstream media outlets. Trump voters watch Fox News, and he is now the network’s dog in the electorate fight. If Trump is in to win, then why not interview Mr. Ortel on one of Fox’s flagship shows such as Bill O’Reilly or the like?
If this awful parody of democracy was not tragic for Americans, it would be rather comical. In early December 2010 I wrote a commentary entitled “The US Empire is Collapsing, and Americans Will Be the Last to Know.” In 2016, in the extremely unlikely case Trump gets (s)elected, could he be the Caligula of the new Rome? Even though the process has gained momentum, Americans still do not know that their empire is doomed. They do not know that the United States of America is not a democracy with the Democrats on one side and the Republicans on the other side, but instead a global empire run by oligarchs and plutocrats; most do not know that Bill and Hillary Clinton are good friends with Donald Trump; they do not know that almost all of politicians elected for office are not public servants, but instead are working of the behalf of worldwide corporate interests; Americans do not know that they have been conned for almost four decades into the notion that their vote matters; they do not know that the so called “leader of the free world” is not much more than an anchor man with a law degree reading a teleprompter; they do not know that he doesn’t lead anything, but he is instead the global corporate spokesperson of their enslavement; they refuse to know that they not only live but actively export a police state which still prints on its currency, In God We Trust; they do not know that the corporate empire of chaos, whomever its figurehead is, is joyfully leading us all to oblivion.
The Orwellian empire is a global parasite feeding on its own people through disaster capitalism. It has no soul, no conscience just a vague reptilian intelligence designed for its elite short term survival. For billions, it has been death on an installment plan decades in the making. Unlike Rome, it is diffused with no specifics centers but a few thousands heads and countless tentacles. This is the nature of the beast. Its primary function is to concentrate the essential of wealth and resources the planet has to offer in the hand of a rarefied elite in power. At the end of 2016, a new empress or emperor will be introduced to its powerless people. In one case, she will be wearing her best pearls and diamonds, in his case he will promptly supervise the organization of global beauty pageants while billions are starving and dying away in the chain of a servitude. Meanwhile the double impact of climate change and overpopulation will sooner than later induce fights for food and water. The new Rome will unquestionably burn eventually, it is in its destiny, but let’s not wait and make sure the principal culprits feel the pain while millions set it on fire in a grand finale.
This piece first appeared at News Junkie Post.