Wrecking America


Wrecking America: How Trump’s Lawbreaking and Lies Betray All

By Ralph Nader and Mark Green

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Wrecking America is an up-to-date look at Trump’s anything-goes “Fascism 2.0” presidency and campaign. It reveals how Trump’s daily “twistifications” (a Jefferson coinage) are killing tens of thousands of Americans and millions of American jobs, polluting the air and public debate, selling out his country for personal gain…and trying to “Make the Confederacy Great Again,” as he preoccupies himself with golfing, seething, and tweeting.

By four-time presidential candidate Ralph Nader and bestselling author Mark Green, Wrecking America organizes Trump’s lies and lawbreaking issue-by-issue—focusing on Covid-19 and racial protests. This scathing, witty, accessible paperback is the last up-to-date book on “the Lyin’ King” keyed to General Election voters and post-election America.

Published by Skyhorse, 2020.  Paperback, 352 pages.