This issue of CounterPunch Magazine delivered by First Class mail.
In this Issue: The War That Time Forgot: Jeffrey St. Clair on Afghanistan; Circus at the Caucus: Lucy Schiller reports from Iowa; The Coming Water Wars: TJ Coles on climate driven conflicts; The Vietnam War Hollywood Missed: Matthew Stevenson on Apocalypse Now! The Final Cut; Trump’s Great Escape: Ron Jacobs on the impeachment trial; The End of the Corbyn Project: Marlon Ettinger on Labour after the British elections; Women Confronting Violence: Laura Carlsen on lessons from the Zapatistas. Plus: Chris Floyd on Distraction Politics, Dan Glazebrook on the Dirty War in Libya; Daniel Raventos and Julie Wark on Gypsies and Genocide; Jennifer Matsui on the Language of Power; Pete Dolack on American Decline; and Lee Ballinger on Foster Youths.