Melvin Goodman

Melvin A. Goodman is a senior fellow at the Center for International Policy and a professor of government at Johns Hopkins University.  A former CIA analyst, Goodman is the author of Failure of Intelligence: The Decline and Fall of the CIA and National Insecurity: The Cost of American Militarism. and A Whistleblower at the CIA. His most recent books are “American Carnage: The Wars of Donald Trump” (Opus Publishing, 2019) and “Containing the National Security State” (Opus Publishing, 2021). Goodman is the national security columnist for

The Biden Administration and the Chaotic Middle East

Team Biden: Diplomatic and Strategic Failure

Countering the National Security State

When Imagination Failed: Revisiting Intelligence Failures

Biden’s Quandary: Proxy Wars and Endless Wars

Biden’s Possible Strategic Blunder

George Shultz’s Character Study of Robert Gates

George Shultz’s Character Study of Robert Gates

Biden: “Boxed-In” by the Military Establishment?

How to Question William Burns, Biden’s Pick to Head the CIA

China: Enemy Du Jour?  But Why?

9/11 and January 6: the Enormous Cost of intelligence Failure

Bibi and Jonathan Pollard: Two Anti-American Peas in Their Own Pod

Burns at the CIA

A Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin Will Widen the Civil-Military Gap

An Open Letter to Biden: Selecting a CIA Director

Trump’s Carnage: Testing America’s “Democracy”

Obama and the Search for Audacity

Biden’s Pentagon Pick: a Five-Sided Blunder

Obama’s Memoir Offers Insights Into Major Shortcomings

Biden and the Lost Art of Political Cabinetry

Trump Leaves Biden a Quarantine…But Against China

Biden and the CIA

Revisiting “Seven Days in May”

Biden’s Wretched Inheritance

Brennan’s Nuremberg Defense: One More Whitewash of the CIA’s Torture Program

Trump’s Weaponization of the National Security State

Fascism, American-Style

Thanking the Founding Fathers for Our Constitutional Mess?

Arming the Planet: the USA as the World’s Leading Weapons Dealer

US Marine Corps: Semper Fi, But Why?

Living in the World of the Late John Frankenheimer

The Twilight of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization

The USA: Global Leader in Election Interference Abroad and Now at Home

Trump’s War on the Post Office and the Census Bureau

Trump’s War On Arms Control and Disarmament

The Department of Homeland Security: the Ideal Authoritarian Tool

Trump’s War on the Environment and Its Inhabitants

Robert Gates’ “Exercise In Power”: A Disingenuous Exercise in Public Relations

Robert M. Gates’ “Exercise Of Power”: More Confessions From a Windsock

Bolton’s Book is Not the “Bomb” as Advertised

The Washington Post and Its Cold War Drums

Afghanistan: What is to be Done?

Foreign Election Interference: Who is to Blame?

De-Militarizing the United States

Trump, Bolton, and Pompeo: Loathsome Peas in a Pod

Donald Trump: Finally Caught Crossing A Red Line

The Madness of Donald

Trump’s War on Democracy

How the Washington Post Accommodates Disinformation