Andrew Levine

ANDREW LEVINE is the author most recently of THE AMERICAN IDEOLOGY (Routledge) and POLITICAL KEY WORDS (Blackwell) as well as of many other books and articles in political philosophy. His most recent book is In Bad Faith: What’s Wrong With the Opium of the People. He was a Professor (philosophy) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a Research Professor (philosophy) at the University of Maryland-College Park.  He is a contributor to Hopeless: Barack Obama and the Politics of Illusion (AK Press).

Viva Trump?

Anti-Hillary: Across the Spectrum

AIPAC: Headed for Defeat (But That’s Not Why It’s Bad for the Jews)

How Pathetic! Why Donald Trump May be the Best Thing Going

The Logic of Illlogic: Narrow Self-Interest Keeps Israel’s “Existential Threats” Alive

After the Iran Deal: Israel is Down But Far From Out

Greek Lessons for Americans

The Greeks Fight Back: Oxi to Austerity

Dumping on Dixie Again

The Election Blues Again

The Latest and Maybe the Last, “Existential Threat”

Why Scott Walker is Even More of a Menace Than He Seems

No Need Yet to Abandon All Hope

America Breaks the Middle East

How the Saudis Wag the Dog

Elections: What Are They Good For?

Islamophobia: Israel’s Blessing; Israel’s Curse

The New Hillary

The Last Chance to Derail the Clinton Juggernaut?

Why Boycotts Rock

The Reflective Voter’s Fear

The Logic of Lesser Evilism

A Frightful Prospect: Hillary vs. Jeb

Who’s Afraid of the Israel Lobby?

The Metamorphosis of Vladimir Putin

Muslims Lives Matter, Too (But Only in Theory)

Playing With Fire in an Age of Absurdity

Nothing Left to Lose

Sympathy for Obama?

Offense for Offense’s Sake

9/11 à la Française: Radical Islamists 2.0

The Delegitimization of Israel

Obama Takes Care of Business

A Flicker of Hope in the Wasteland?

Hillary the Inevitable?

How We Lost Our “Freedom”

The Vicious Cycles of Inequality

What Next For Democrats?

From Jerusalem, Yet Another Great Leap Backwards

The Political Duopoly Must be Smashed

Are Capitalists Nicer These Days?

Where Hucksters Rule

Obama’s “Stupid Shit”

Why the 2014 Midterms Just Might Matter After All

The Anxieties of Empire

Obama’s Bourgeois Presidency

Fear of a Caliphate

Obama the Irresolute

Israel’s Fatal Over-Reach

This is the Way the World Ends