Dave Lindorff

CounterPunch contributor DAVE LINDORFF is a producer along with MARK MITTEN on a forthcoming feature-length documentary film on the life of Ted Hall and his wife of 51 years, Joan Hall. A Participant Film, “A Compassionate Spy” is directed by STEVE JAMES and will be released in theaters this coming summer. Lindorff has finished a book on Ted Hall titled “A Spy for No Country,” to be published this Fall by Prometheus Press.

Petition Delivered to Philly DA Calling for Fair Appeal for Mumia

Could Sanders 2.0 Win It All, Getting the Democratic Nomination and Defeating Trump?

It’s Not Just Trump and the Republicans

Using Students, Teachers, Journalists and other Professionals as Spies Puts Everyone in Jeopardy

US Media Trying to Drum up a New ‘Cold War’

The Right-Wing Attack on Medicare-for-All

DA Challenges New Mumia Court Appeal

Shut Down the War Machine!

Criminalizing BDS Trashes Free Speech & Association

A Potentially Tectonic Event Shakes up the Mumia Abu-Jamal Case

At Last! A Workable Reason to Impeach the MFer

Surprise Ruling Opens New Avenue for Mumia to Win New Trial on his Murder Conviction

Keep Walking, Nothing Important to See Here

Trump Does Something Right for Once

Making Trump and Other Climate Criminals Pay

Demand an End to the Taxation of Social Security Benefits

Pelosi’s Deceptive Plan: Blocking any Tax Rise Could Rule Out Medicare-for-All and Bolstering Social Security

Hey Right Wingers! Signatures Change over Time

Not a Blue Wave, But Perhaps a Foreshock

Scaremongering is the Only Thing Trump and Republicans Have Got

When It Comes to Having Leaders Who Murder the US is a Pace Setter

US ‘Outrage’ over Slaying of US Residents Depends on the Nation Responsible

US ‘Outrage’ Over Slaying of US Residents Depends on the Nation Responsible

Battle for the Ages: Priciest US Weapon, the F-35, Just Attacked One of World’s Most Primitive Fighters, the Taliban

On Ron Ridenour’s ‘Pentagon on Alert: The Russian Peace Threat’

Candidates for Appointment to Government Posts or Judgeships Don’t Have a ‘Presumption of Innocence’

In Montgomery County PA, It’s Often a Jury of White People

We Already Have a Fake Billionaire President; Why Would We want a Real One Running in 2020?

The US Need Not Inevitably Descend into Violent Chaos If and When Disaster Strikes

The Kavanaugh Hearing is About Political Posturing, Not Keeping a Political Hack Off the High Court

Is it Treason or a Defense of the Constitution?

Winning a Small Victory is Still Winning

Mainstream Media Hypocrisy on Display

Mystery of the Underpaid American Worker

Senate Democrats, with Few Exceptions, are a Gang of War-Mongers

Undermining Trump-Putin Summit Means Promoting War

Ready for a New ‘Missile Gap’ and Arms Race?

Stop Whining and Start Organizing

A Recipe for Disaster

Some Straight Talk for Younger People on Social Security (and Medicare too)

However Tenuous and Whatever His Motives, Trump’s Summit Agreement with Kim is Praiseworthy

We Need a Mass Movement to Save and Expand Social Security and Medicare

Welcome to Police-State America, Weary Traveler

The Trump White House is a Chaotic Clown Car Filled with Bozos Who Think They’re Brilliant

Israel Crosses a Line as IDF Snipers Murder Unarmed Protesters in the Ghetto of Gaza

Mumia Seeks to Show Top State Judge Doubled as Prosecutor and Jurist Reviewing His Appeals

What Does ‘Denuclearization’ Mean in the Negotiations for an End to the Korean War?

Starbucks Has a Racism Problem

No Indication in the US That the Country is at War Again

President Trump’s War Crime is Worse than the One He Accuses Assad of