Satan v. Netanyahu et al.

An Interview with the Devil

It isn’t easy, being a liberal mainstream reporter these days, what with big news stories about “the Israel-Hamas war” passing you by, as you wrestle fecklessly with your two major journalistic goals: (a) to objectively document evil by exposing corruption; and (b) to keep your job and get everybody to like you. I’ve investigated pro-Palestine demonstrations on university campuses and never saw Jewish students “running for their lives,” as mainstream TV has reported; I’ve actually seen thousands of Jews standing up time and again for the right of Palestine to exist, but that hardly ever appears in mainstream news. And it’s hard for me, as a journalist or a civilian, to attend a public protest, or simply walk down the street wearing a Palestine t-shirt over my battered heart, knowing that I’m seen as a Jew-hater.

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susie day writes about prison, policing, and political activism. She’s also written political satire, a collection of which, Snidelines: Talking Trash to Power, was published in 2014. In 2020, her book, The Brother You Choose: Paul Coates and Eddie Conway Talk About Life, Politics, and The Revolution was published by Haymarket. She lives in New York City with her partner, the infamous Laura Whitehorn.