Writing Palestine

An Interview with Susan Abulhawa

In Palestine – a country whose existence goes unrecognized by most of the West – Palestinians are arrested, humiliated, beaten, killed by Israeli military or settlers every day, if not every hour. What began in 1948 as the Nakba has taken on force, ramped up control, occupied every aspect of Palestinian life. And, given Israel’s “most right-wing government in history,” what had shown no signs of stopping is now getting worse. Here, in the United States, we barely talk of this. But susan abulhawa, descendant of generations of Palestinian refugees, is doing all she can to talk about Palestine. She does this by telling us stories.

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susie day writes about prison, policing, and political activism. She’s also written political satire, a collection of which, Snidelines: Talking Trash to Power, was published in 2014. In 2020, her book, The Brother You Choose: Paul Coates and Eddie Conway Talk About Life, Politics, and The Revolution was published by Haymarket. She lives in New York City with her partner, the infamous Laura Whitehorn.