After an apparent, all-too-brief détente in the battle over LGBTQ rights, gay and trans rights have again become a flashpoint in the American culture wars. Ron DeSantis, a notorious homophobe, transphobe, and antifeminist, is one of the main 2024 presidential candidates. Although marriage equality and its attendant economic and social benefits for the LGBTQ community seem to be relatively well ensconced and are now reinforced by the Respect for Marriage Act, Orwellian “religious liberty” laws threaten to corrode its effect by undermining equality in public spaces and institutions. Trans rights, drag queens, and LGBTQ books in libraries are all under assault, metaphorically and literally.

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Scott Remer has published in venues such as In These Times, Africa Is a Country, Common Dreams, OpenDemocracy, Philosophy Now, Philosophical Salon, and International Affairs.