The exceptional new documentary The Palestine Exception, co-directed by Jan Haaken and Jennifer Ruth, focuses on the wave of pro-Palestinian protests that swept across U.S. college campuses in 2024 and the repressive backlash students, faculty and activists encountered, which is called onscreen “the New McCarthyism.” In only 71 minutes the nonfiction film covers lots of […]

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Ed Rampell was named after legendary CBS broadcaster Edward R. Murrow because of his TV exposes of Senator Joe McCarthy. Rampell majored in Cinema at Manhattan’s Hunter College and is an L.A.-based film historian/critic who co-organized the 2017 70th anniversary Blacklist remembrance at the Writers Guild theater in Beverly Hills and was a moderator at 2019’s “Blacklist Exiles in Mexico” filmfest and conference at the San Francisco Art Institute. Rampell co-presented “The Hollywood Ten at 75” film series at the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures and is the author of Progressive Hollywood, A People’s Film History of the United States and co-author of The Hawaii Movie and Television Book.