After reading a recent update on the consequences of firing up the fossil fuels, a longtime correspondent told me, “I look at my grandchild, age 5, and think about her early death.” The rest of the story is that grandparents have been getting their own lives cut short in heatwaves which have, by the way, […]
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Lance Olsen, a Montana native, was president of the Missoula, Montana-based Great Bear Foundation from 1982-1992. He has also served on the governing council of the Montana Wilderness Association and the advisory council of the Alliance for the Wild Rockies. He was previously a college teacher and associate of the American Psychological Association and its Division on Population and Environmental Psychology, and the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues. Now retired, he runs a restricted listserv of global scope for climate researchers, wildlife researchers, agency staff, graduate students, and NGOs concerned about the consequences of a changing climate. He can be contacted at