What’s a Good Economy, Anyway?

By Focusing on Outmoded Indicators, We Miss the Real Economic Story in America

Image by Adam Nir.

Far from being an obviously good economy that only partisans and the brainwashed could question, by any more specific measurement than “jobs are good,” the economy is in fact awful, and has relentlessly squeezed the average American for decades. Yes, on some level, it is better to have a job than not to have a job – but understandably, Americans seem to want a bit more from life than a place to clock in and clock out.

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John Teufel is an attorney and writer based in New York. He is a columnist for The Indypendent, and a regular contributor to the Village Voice. He successfully sued the City of New York to have police misconduct records provided to the public. He is on Twitter at @JohnTeufelNYC

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