Is Gaza Burning?

The Scourging of Gaza: Diary of a Genocidal War

On Friday, Gaza went dark. The lights were shot out. The internet unplugged. The phone lines down. The power shut off. Gaza was alone under bombardment, some of the heaviest of the war so far. Killing 25 journalists and some of their families simply wasn’t enough. The word of how brutal conditions there are, how many women and children are being slaughtered and starved, was still leaking out, making half the world sick to its stomach. Gaza had to be cut off. Under a physical embargo for more than a decade, the IDF has now placed Gaza under an information blockade. Missiles, tanks and commandos coming in, but no words or images getting out. The only illumination is Gaza burning.

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Jeffrey St. Clair is editor of CounterPunch. His most recent book is An Orgy of Thieves: Neoliberalism and Its Discontents (with Alexander Cockburn). He can be reached at: sitka@comcast.net or on Twitter @JeffreyStClair3