The Spoils of War

Mainstream media coverage of Washington and US foreign policy can sometimes provide useful information on our military-industrial complex/ Few journalists, however, dig as deeply, comb through as many documents, or spend as many months cultivating sources to uncover the inner works of that labyrinthine, sprawling sector of our economy as Andrew Cockburn, the Washington editor of Harper’s. Cockburn’s new book, The Spoils of War: Power, Profit, and the American War Machine, collects a decade’s worth of essays from Harper’s and The London Review of Books. The assembled pieces, each framed with introductory and closing comments from 2021, lay bear the mendacity and greed of the defense bureaucrats and war profiteers who drive U.S. foreign policy.

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Ben Terrall is a writer living in the Bay Area. He can be reached at: bterrall@gmail.com