Volume 24 no 2
CounterPunch Magazine, March 2017
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In this Issue:
- The Coming War on Iraq: Dan Glazebrook explains why Trump’s alliance with Russia may increase the odds of a war on Iran.
- The End of Diplomacy? Former CIA analyst Mel Goodman provides a field guide to Trump’s cabinet.
- Fukushima, Still Melting: John LaForge on the 6-year long crisis at the ruined Fukushima nuclear site
- Refugees vs. Climate Change: Ben Debney on real and manufacture crises
- The New Latin American Feminism by Laura Carlsen
- The ICEmen Cometh by Jeffrey St. Clair
- Organizing on the Border by Kent Paterson
- Inside Steve Bannon’s Brain by Chris Floyd
- What Does the Left Want? by Yvette Carnell
- Catalonia Rising by Daniel Raventos and Julie Wark
- Who Profits From Rate-Tweaking? by Mike Whitney
- From Sea to Dying Sea by Lee Ballinger
- Breakdown at the Oscars by Ed Leer