Volume 21 no 8
CounterPunch Magazine, September 2014
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In this Issue:
- How Modern Money Works: Economist Alan Nasser presents a slashing indictment of the vicious nature of finance capitalism
- The Bio-Social Facts of American Capitalism: David Price excavates the racist anthropology of Earnest Hooten and his government allies
- Is Zero-Tolerance Policing Worth More Chokehold Deaths? Martha Rosenberg and Robert Wilbur assay the deadly legacy of the Broken Windows theory of criminology
- Gaming the White Man’s Money: Louis Proyect offers a short history of tribal casinos
- Death by Incarceration: Troy Thomas reports from inside prison on the cruelty of life without parole sentences
- Jeffrey St. Clair on how the murder of Michael Brown got lost in the media coverage
- JoAnn Wypijewski on class warfare from Martinsburg to Ferguson
- Mike Whitney on the coming stock market crash
- Chris Floyd on DC’s Insane Clown Posse
- Lee Ballinger on the warped nostalgia for the Alamo
- Nathaniel St. Clair on “Boyhood.”