Volume 20 no 4
CounterPunch Magazine, April 2013
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In this Issue:
- War Crimes as Policy: Douglas Valentine and Nicolas Davies detail the strategic use of torture and assassination by US forces during the Iraq War.
- Rave On: Lee Ballinger on the latest in the war on youth: police crackdowns on raves
- The Afgan War Comes Home to Philly: Dave Lindorff reports on the drone base in Philadelphia, which is now a legitimate target of Al Qaeda.
- Fracking Frenzy Hits California: Joshua Frank on the drive to frack the Monterrey Shale unrestrained by any environmental regulations
- Gospel of the Slums: Daniel Edwards reports from Buenos Aires on Pope Francis’s hostility toward Liberation Theology during the Dirty War.
- Jeffrey St. Clair on the Game of Drones
- Chris Ketcham on the Origins of Monopolies
- Kristin Kolb on the Education Privatizers
- Mike Whitney on Barnanke’s Subprime Bonanza