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In this issue: THE STRANGE SAGA OF THE KISSINGER PAPERS – In the new CounterPunch magazine, historian Christopher Dietrich details the extraordinary lengths Henry Kissinger has taken to block public access to his papers, flouting the Freedom of Information Act and federal court rulings in an effort to hide the fingerprints of his bloody career; A SHORT HISTORY OF RIGHT-TO-WORK LAWS: labor journalist David Macaray charts the origins of the 60-year campaign to destroy organized labor; ADDICTED? HAS BIG PHARMA GOT A DRUG FOR YOU: Martha Rosenberg exposes the latest scheme from the drug industry; FRACKING AND THE GREAT GAME: Steve Horn on the globalization of fracking; HOW OBAMA DEFANGED THE EPA: Joshua Frank on the silencing of Lisa Jackson; SPYING ON ACTIVISTS: Adam Federman reveals the concerted international campaign by intelligence agencies and police to infiltrate the radical environmental and animal rights movements. PLUS: Jeffrey St. Clair the FBI’s latest entrapment case; Mike Whitney on Jack Lew; Christopher Ketcham on prosecutors gone amuck; Chris Floyd on the Professional Left and Obama; Lee Ballinger on the decline of record stores; and Kim Nicolini on Beasts of the Southern Wild.