Thomas Klikauer – Norman Simms

Thomas Klikauer is the author of 550 publications include a book on the AfD. Norman Simms is a retired academic who lives in New Zealand and continues to write articles and books, as well as editing an online journal.  

The Nazi Past of US Geopolitics

Anti-Global Warming PR

The Structure of Wealth and the Global Money-Making Apparatus

How to be a German Neo-Nazi Girl

Right-Wing Attacks on Germany’s Press

The Madness and Malady of Management Studies

University Spiralists and Aca-Zombies

Skeletons in the Neoliberal Cupboard

What is Digital Fascism?

How Brexit Won

The Dark Money and Dirty Politics of Brexit

An Ordinary German Neo-Nazi

Brexit Anxieties

The Science of Race and the Racism of Science

Is German Society Becoming Fascist?

The End of the American Newspaper

Corona in Germany: Hording and Authoritarianism

The Economics of Democratic Socialism