George Wuerthner

George Wuerthner has published 36 books including Wildfire: A Century of Failed Forest Policy

Happy Talk About Weeds

Myths About Wildfires, Logging and Forests

The National Forests Should be Off Limits to Logging

The Attack on Wilderness From Environmentalists

Foresters vs. Ecologists

Isle Royale: Manage for Wilderness Not Wolves

The Lessons of the Battle to Save the Ancient Forests of French Pete

Betrayal on the Upper Green River

Logging Can’t Restore Burnt Forests

The Border Wall and the Environment

Border Wall Delusions

Logging Dead Trees is Bad for Forests

Mountain Biking and Wilderness

The Collaboration Trap

Water Rights or Water Privileges?

Time to Create a Cascade Siskiyou National Park

The Premature Delisting of the Yellowstone Grizzly Bear

The Hazards of Rear-View Mirror Economics

Why California is Burning

Megafires, Climate Change and Industrial Logging

Lies, Damn Lies and Agricultural Statistics

Wildfire Myths: Logging the Forest Won’t Save It

Lawless Logging

Zinke and the Welfare Ranchers: Subsidies for Us But Not for Thee

The Wolf Killers Wore Green

Climate, Not Fuels, Drives Big Wildfires

The Causes of Forest Fires: Climate vs. Logging

Stealth Logging in the National Forests

Trump’s Betrayal of Rural America: Deep Cuts in Payments to Counties

Of Cows and the River Flowing

Environmental Groups as Climate Deniers

Wilderness Protection Reduces Risk of Wildfires

Range Riders: Making Tom Sawyer Proud

Diet for a Warming Planet

How Effective is Fire Suppression?

Livestock Grazing vs. the Sage Grouse

Grizzlies in Jeopardy

End the Slaughter of Yellowstone’s Bison!

Follow the Money: How to Read Peer-Reviewed Science

Yellowstone’s Bison Should be Allowed to Roam, Not Slaughtered

Yellowstone’s Bison: the Shameless Slaughter of an American Icon

Anthropocene Boosters and the Attack on Wilderness Conservation

Slaughtering the Profanity Pack: Losing Wolves and Academic Freedom

A Birthday Gift to the National Parks: the Maine Woods National Monument

Caving to Ranchers: the Misguided Decision to Kill the Profanity Wolf Pack

The Big Fish Kill on the Yellowstone

The Plight of the Mule Deer: Blaming Predators Instead of the Real Culprits

Outrage in the Inland Empire: the Slaughter of the Profanity Wolf Pack

Ranching and the Future of the Sage Grouse

The Last, Best Chance to Save the Big Wild: Northern Rockies Ecosystem Preservation Act