Walden Bello

Walden Bello, a columnist for Foreign Policy in Focus,  is the author or co-author of 19 books, the latest of which are Capitalism’s Last Stand? (London: Zed, 2013) and State of Fragmentation: the Philippines in Transition (Quezon City: Focus on the Global South and FES, 2014).

A Major Diplomatic Defeat for Duterte

Elections in the Era of Charismatic Politics

Understanding the Global Rise of the Extreme Right

Duterte’s Crass Politics and Anti-Imperialism: Class War in the Philippines

Trump: the Ultimate Blowback for American Foreign Policy?

China Offers a World Bank Alternative

How the Left Failed France’s Muslims

The Dilemmas Faced by Climate-Vulnerable Developing Countries

The Washington / Beijing Climate Axis

How Liberal Democracy Promotes Inequality

A Transgender Woman Meets the Marine Corps

A Visit to Syria

The Apple Connection

The New German Colossus

The Puzzling Persistance of APEC

Capital is a Fickle Lover

Bin Laden’s Game

Sexual Prey in the Saudi Jungle

The Triumph of Austerity

The Political Consequences of Stagnation

Greece and Wall Street

The Battle for Thailand

The Poverty Trap

Can China Save the World From Depression?

Globalization in Retreat?

Hurricane Milton

Iraq After November 7

Chain Gang Economics

A Siamese Tragedy