Walden Bello

Walden Bello, a columnist for Foreign Policy in Focus,  is the author or co-author of 19 books, the latest of which are Capitalism’s Last Stand? (London: Zed, 2013) and State of Fragmentation: the Philippines in Transition (Quezon City: Focus on the Global South and FES, 2014).

Required Reading: Hillbilly Elegy

How Will Mexico’s New President Deal With Trump, Migration and Drug Cartels?

Trump: Isolationist by Instinct, Unpredictable in Action

How Did I “Predict” That Trump, Despite His Repulsive Personality and Politics, Would Prevail?

The Mess in Argentina

How Should the Global South Look at the US Elections?

Crisis in the West, Opportunity for the Rest?

Fascism at the Gates

Wanted: a Mass Uprising Against the Neoliberal Matrix

Memoir of a Murder in the Philippines

Unjust Wars and a Just Peace

Palestine Lights the Way Forward

Fascism 101 for Today’s Geopolitics

And Here’s to You, Henry Kissinger…

From Bin Laden to Gaza

Imagine You Are a Young Palestinian

Marxism for Generation Z: Is Barbie Out to Change the World or Just Her Own Life?

A Mini-Revolution in Tokyo

Imagination and Liberation

Time to Seek Justice–Not Hand Out the Nobel Prize–for Economic Crimes

A Bold, Just and Effective Program to Address the Developing Country Debt Crisis

Ideas–Even the Most Foolish Ones–Have Consequences

Will China Replace the US… or Will the Two Powers Stalemate?

Extreme Events are the New Normal…and Not Just in the Weather

Gorbachev Rode the Tiger and Ended Up Inside It

The Global South in the WTO: Time to Go on the Offensive

Why the Son of a Dictator Won the Philippine Presidential Election

Bin Laden and Trump: Two Bookends for America’s Imperial Decline

Zionism’s Bête Noire: How Richard Falk Became an Intellectual Pariah

The Debacle of “Nation Building” in Afghanistan and Iraq

The Only Hero of the Duterte Era? An Interview With Philippine Senator Leila de Lima

The Three Revolutions of the Chinese Communist Party

The Trillion Dollar War: the Economics of Overextension

The Global Spread of Fascism is as Real as the Spread of COVID-19

John Locke and the Roots of White Supremacy in the US

America Has Entered the Weimar Era

The Biden Presidency: a New Era or a Fragile Interregnum?

What Will a Biden Presidency Mean for the Asia-Pacific Region?

Things May Get Worse Before They Get Better in the U.S.

How the IMF and World Bank Turned a Pandemic into a Public Relations Stunt

The End of Duterte? Four Ways the Strongman Could Fall

Could the Duterte Regime be COVID-19’s Next Victim?

The Racist Underpinnings of the American Way of War

How Thailand Contained COVID-19

The Race to Replace a Dying Neoliberalism

The Corporate Food System is Making the Coronavirus Crisis Worse

Martin Khor: the Making of a Global Activist

COVID-19 and the Death of Connectivity

Duterte Does the Right Thing for a Change

China’s Economy: Powerful But Vulernable